
ニュース SDGs
  • 4. 質の高い教育をみんなに
  • 5. ジェンダー平等を実現しよう
  • 10. 人や国の不平等をなくそう
  • 16. 平和と公正をすべての人に
  • 17. パートナーシップで目標を達成しよう

 総会では,和田学長のあいさつの後,各同窓会から近況報告がありました。 久しぶりの本学訪問を懐かしむ会長らと昔話に花が咲く和やかな会談となり,今後も更なる国際交流支援を表明いただき,本学と海外同窓会との確固たる連携を確認できた一日となりました。

 The 4th Joint General Meeting of Overseas Alumni Associations took place at Kanazawa University
 The 4th Joint General Meeting of the Kanazawa University Overseas Alumni Associations took place on December 8 and was attended by 14 members, including 5 presidents or vice presidents of the overseas alumni associations.
 The meeting was originally scheduled to be held in Bangkok, Thailand, but was held in Kanazawa this time to appeal the revival from the Corona Disaster. They first visited the world-leading Nano Life Science Institute and the newly-operated Biomass and Green Innovation Center. It was a valuable opportunity to show the evolution of Kanazawa University.
 At the Joint General Meeting, following President Wada’s introductory remarks, each alumni organization representative presented a report on their most recent endeavors. We reaffirmed the strong partnership between Kanazawa University and the overseas alumni associations, and the delegates, who were reminiscing about their visit to the university after a long absence, expressed their support for future international exchange.

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