12月20日,「金沢大学 清華大学デイ」と題した,清華大学(中国)との交流イベントをハイブリッド形式で開催しました。本イベントは,2019年に清華大学北京キャンパスで開催された交流イベント「金沢デイ」への感謝の印として2020年に企画し,コロナ禍により延期を余儀なくされましたが,この度,金沢大学角間キャンパス(NanoLSI Main Conference Room),清華大学北京キャンパス,清華大学深圳キャンパスの3拠点をオンラインで結ぶハイブリット形式で実現したものです。
開会挨拶の中で山崎学長は,2019年の「金沢大学デイ」への謝辞と,オンライン環境の整備により多様な交流が可能になったことを受け,今後も毎年交流を続けていきたいと将来の展望を述べられました。一方,清華大学YANG副学長からは,2021年は,清華大学建学110周年,深圳国際大学院開設 20 周年という節目の年でもあり,記念すべき年を「清華大学デイ」で締めくくることができたと強調され,もともとの両大学の交流分野である環境・都市プランニング研究は,パンデミックをはじめ,我々が直面している課題に密接に関わる分野であるとして,いっそうの協調に向けた期待が述べられました。
その後,山崎学長,YANG副学長,松本宏一自然科学研究科長,GAO Hong 深圳国際大学院エグゼクティブ・ディーンによって各協定書・覚書への調印が行われました。
午後の部では,理工系3分野(Waste Water Treatment and water environment,Spatial planning and Sustainable Development,Energy Reuse and Materials)の個別シンポジウムが行われ,双方の研究者,学生による活発な学術交流が交わされ,配信会場のみならず,オンラインからも多数の関係者が視聴しました。
Tsinghua Day at Kanazawa Successfully Closed in Hybrid Style
An international event entitled “Tsinghua Day at Kanazawa” was held in a hybrid style between Kanazawa University and Tsinghua University (China). This event was originally planned for 2020 as to be a return of the "Kanazawa Day" held at Tsinghua University in 2019 but forced to be postponed due to the pandemic. However, it was realized in a hybrid style connecting Kanazawa University WPI-NanoLSI, Tsinghua University Beijing Campus, and Tsinghua University Shenzhen International Graduate School.
The event, which opened with a welcome speech in Chinese by President Koetsu Yamazaki, consisted by two parts; a ceremony session in the morning with the signing ceremony of a MoU between Kanazawa University and Tsinghua University, and an Agreement on Double-Degree Program between Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology (Kanazawa University) and Shenzhen International Graduate School (Tsinghua University) . a symposium session in the afternoon followed ceremony.
In the opening remarks, President Yamazaki expressed his gratitude for the "Kanazawa Day" in 2019, and suggested the annual exchange in the future, as the online environment has made it possible to conduct diverse exchanges.
On the other hand, Professor YANG Bin, Vice President & Provost of Tsinghua University emphasized that 2021 is the 110th anniversary of the founding of Tsinghua University and the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenzhen International Graduate School, and that the "Tsinghua University Day" was a great conclusion of this memorable year.
He also expressed his hope for further cooperation between the two universities in the field of environmental and urban planning research, which is the original field of exchange between the two universities and is closely related to the challenges we are facing, including the pandemic.
The MoUs were then signed by President Yamazaki, Vice President YANG, Professor Koichi Matsumoto, a Dean of the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, and Professor GAO Hong, an Executive Dean of Shenzhen International Graduate School.
In the afternoon, individual symposia were held in three fields of science and technology; 1. Waste Water Treatment and water environment, 2. Spatial planning and Sustainable Development, 3. Energy Reuse and Materials. Researchers and students from both sides engaged in lively academic exchanges. There were also many online participants instead of on-the-spot.