On October 5, the signing ceremony for the Agreement on Cooperation and Exchange between National University of Mongolia (NUM) and Kanazawa University (KU) was hosted at NUM, and President Tumur-Ochir Sanjbegz and 10 other members were in attendance.From KU, President Shin-ichi Nakamura, Professor Kenji Kashiwaya, Associate Professor Noriko Hasebe, and Assistant Professor Keisuke Fukushi of the Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology attended. After the signing, the delegates joined the participants from many international institutions to attend the memorial ceremony for the 70th anniversary of NUM, and deepened the friendship of the two universities.
In 2007, NUM and KU concluded the department-level agreement between the Department of Biology at NUM and the Cancer Research Center of KU, and the two universities enjoyed active exchanges which resulted in this time’s conclusion of the university-level agreement. There is much anticipation for the promotion of further exchanges.
Also, prior to the visit to NUM, the delegates paid a courtesy visit to the Institute of Geography and the Institute of Geology Mineral Resources, Mongol Academy of Science, which are the department-level partner institutions of the Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology of KU. There was exchange of opinions on the past exchanges and research achievements, and the participants shared information to actively promote future joint research. It was an excellent opportunity to deepen the mutual understanding.
モンゴル科学アカデミー地質資源研究所 これまでの共同研究の成果や今後の見通しについて議論