ロシア科学アカデミー極東支部総裁等一行が本学学長を表敬 Chairman of Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science and others made a courtesy call on President of Kanazawa University


10月6日,ロシア科学アカデミー極東支部のSergienko Valentin Ivanovich 総裁ほか3名が,大学間交流協定更新のため,本学学長を表敬しました。

On October 6th, Dr. Sergienko Valentin Ivanovich, Chairman of Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science (hereinafter called FEBRAS), and three other members came to renew the Agreement and met President of Kanazawa University.
Kanazawa University and FEBRAS concluded the Agreement in 2000, since then keep lively exchange of researchers in Atmospheric and Environmental fields. In 2008, Kanazawa University established a Branch Laboratory in Pacific Oceanological Institute of FEBRAS.
President Nakamura, Vice President Nagano in charge of Research and International Affairs, Deputy President Nagao in charge of International Affairs, Director Nakamura from Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology, Prof. Hayakawa from Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, along with other members attended the meeting. Both institutes agreed to activate the exchange of researchers.

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