台湾・国立台湾大学実験林管理所所長等一行が本学学長を表敬 Director of Experimental Forest, National Taiwan University and others visited to meet with President of Kanazawa University


9月27日に国立台湾大学実験林管理所の王 亞男所長他5名,韓国国立気象研究所の車 柱完研究士と梁河瑛研究員らが,本学にて開催された2010国際学術研究公開シンポジウム「東アジアの環境モニタリング」−森林と降水観測におけるリモートセンシングと現地調査−へ出席のため来学され,本学学長を表敬しました。

On September 27th, Dr. Wang Ya-Nan who is the Director of Experimental Forest, National Taiwan University (Taiwan) and five other members, and Mr. Joo-Wan Cha and Ms. Yang Ha-Young from National Institute of Meteorological Research (South Korea) came to attend 2010 International Symposium on Environmental Monitoring in East Asia – Remote Sensing and Field Research for Forest and Precipitation Monitoring – and met with the President of Kanazawa University.
Since Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environment Studies of Kanazawa University reached an academic agreement with College of Liberal Arts, Graduate Institute of Art History of National Taiwan University, mutual exchanges of researchers in arts and sciences fields have continued between the two universities and it is hoped the academic relationship will be developed. As for National Institute of Meteorological Research, it plays a starring role in meteorological research in South Korea. This meeting is expected to encourage exchanges of researchers between Kanazawa University and these institutes.
President Nakamura, Vice President Nagano in charge of Research and International Affairs, Professor Muramoto and Assistant Professor Kubo from Institute of Science and Engineering, along with other members attended the meeting. The representatives agreed to boost exchanges of researchers.

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