授与式では中村信一学長が,浙江工業大学(中国)のシェンインチュ名誉学長,ケニア中央研究所(ケニア)のポケ ソロモン サンニゴ リアント所長,ハイフォン医科大学(ベトナム)のファム トユック ヴァン学長に称号記を手渡し,これまでの功績に対する感謝と未来の更なる友好・発展に向けた期待の言葉を述べました。
On May 30, for the first time, the title of Honorary Visiting Professor was conferred to three individuals from overseas who have made much contributions to the academic and research activities of Kanazawa University.
At the ceremony, President Shin-ichi Nakamura handed the title certificate to Honorary President Shen Yin-chu of Zhejian University of Technology (China), President Pham Van Thuc of Hai Phong Medical University (Vietnam), and Director Solomon Mpoke of Kenya Medical Research Institute (Kenya), with much gratitude for their service and anticipation for friendship and development of coming years.