台湾・国立台湾大学副総務長一行が金沢大学を訪問 Associate Dean of General Affairs of National Taiwan University Visits Kanazawa University


5月11日,台湾・国立台湾大学から林 俊全副総務長ほか19名の訪問団一行が来学,山崎理事(研究・国際担当)を表敬訪問しました。一行は本学における防災・安全,学生の健康管理,環境保全等を視察する目的で来学したものです。視察に先立ち行われた会談では,山崎理事ほか本学教職員と留学生が同席し,大学紹介や意見交換など終始和やかな雰囲気の中,非常に充実した協議となりました。その後,一行は保健管理センターをはじめ角間キャンパスの様々な施設を視察しました。

On Friday, May 11, Associate Dean and Professor Lin Jiun-Chuan and nineteen other delegates from National Taiwan University in Taiwan paid a courtesy visit to Vice President Yamazaki. The purpose of this time’s visit was to observe the systems for disaster prevention, safety, health maintenance, and environmental protection at our university. Vice President Yamazaki, three other faculty and staff members of our university, and two international students were present at the meeting. The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere, and there was introduction of the universities followed by much discussion. Also, after the meeting, the delegates observed some major facilities at Kakuma Campus beginning with the Health Service Center.

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