夏季一斉休業等のお知らせ Notice Regarding Summer Closure




 夏季一斉休業期間  8月14日(月),15日(火),16日(水)の3日間 ※1
 休暇取得推奨期間  8月17日(木),18日(金)の2日間 ※2

※1 附属病院は,通常どおり業務を行います。
※2 附属病院,宝町・鶴間キャンパス(宝町地区)及び平和町地区は,通常どおり業務を行います。





This is to inform you that our university will have summer holidays to provide an opportunity for our faculty and staff to refresh themselves and contribute to our on-campus energy-saving efforts. Please find the details of the closure period below.
During this time, the university offices will be closed. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.




Summer Closure Period :
  3 days from Monday, August 14th to Wednesday, August 16th *¹
Encouraged Summer Holidays Period for our faculty and staff :
  2 days, Thursday, August 17th and Friday, August 18th *²

*¹ The University Hospital will operate as usual.
*² The University Hospital, Takaramachi Campus, and Heiwamachi Campus will operate as usual.



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