開会式では,本学を代表して長野勇副学長が,また北京語言大学を代表して曹志耘副学長が祝辞を述べ,引き続き,曹副学長の講演がありました。その後,行われた研究報告は2日間で18件。中国側は北京語言大学のほか,南京大学,復旦大学,中央民族大学等の研究者12名,日本側は本学のほか,国立国語研究所,東京大学,富山大学等の研究者6名が報告し,それぞれについて活発な討議が繰り広げられました。 司会と通訳には本学教員,大学院生と,京都大学,同志社大学,青山学院大学等の教員,院生が協力しました。
On March 7th and 8th, Kanazawa University hosted the 1st International Symposium on Chinese Dialect and Culture, in collaboration with Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU), at Kanazawa University Satellite Campus. This conference, funded by the project “Japan-China Immaterial Heritage,” was realized on the basis of the various cooperative research and educational activities which have been carried out by our university and BLCU in the past 5 years, notably the époque-making publication, “Linguistic Atlas of Chinese Dialects”(in 3 volumes).
At the inaugural ceremony, Vice Presidents Isamu Nagano of Kanazawa University and Zhiyun Cao of BLCU delivered a welcome and a courtesy speech respectively. Following the ceremony, Professor Cao, who is also the director of the project “Dialect-Culture Archive” in China, delivered a keynote speech. During the two days, 18 papers, besides Cao’s paper, were presented by 12 Chinese scholars from various institutions in China including BLCU, Academy of Social Sciences, Nanjing University, Fudan University and Minzu University, and by 6 Japanese scholars from the National Institute of Japanese Language, Tokyo University, Toyama University as well as our university. Discussions were centered around the dialectal and cultural phenomena in China and Japan as well as the interaction between language and culture.
Preceding the symposium, on March 6th, Professor Cao, as the Vice President of BLCU, paid a courtesy visit to the Vice President Yumiko Kashimi.