3月19日,中国・北京大学から唐 孝炎(タン シャオエン)工程学院院士,胡 敏(ウ ミン)環境学院国家重点研究室主任,及び魏 永杰(ウェイ ヨンジェ)博士が来学しました。中村信一学長,長野勇理事(研究・国際担当),フロンティアサイエンス機構の岩坂泰信特任教授,医薬保健研究域薬学系の早川和一教授らが迎え,大学の紹介などをしながら終始和やかな雰囲気で懇談が行われました。今後も学生交流,研究者交流など友好な交流関係を発展的に継続させていくことが期待されます。一行は16日に第3回能登総合シンポジウムにも出席しました。
On Monday, March 19, Academy Member and Professor Tang Xiaoyan, Senior Researcher of the National Key Research Laboratory and Professor Hu Min and Dr. Wei Yongjie of Peking University College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (CESE) visited Kanazawa University. From our university, President Shin-ichi Nakamura, Vice President for Research and International Affairs Isamu Nagano, Professor Yasunobu Iwasaka from Frontier Science Organization (FSO), Professor Kazuichi Hayakawa from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Associate Professor Atsushi Matsuki of FSO, and Researcher Chen Bin of FSO were in attendance. The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere, and there was introduction of the universities and exchange of souvenir gifts. There is anticipation for developing a continuing relationship through student and researcher exchanges and cooperation. On Friday, March 16, the delegates also attended the Third Symposium of Integrated Studies on Noto Peninsula.