「VIA LÁCTEA(天の川)プロジェクト」で学生3名がスペイン・ポルトガルへ “VIA LÁCTEA Project” sends 3 Kanazawa University students to Spain and Portugal


2月9日,総合教育棟において,「VIA LÁCTEA(天の川)プロジェクト」によりスペイン・ポルトガルへ留学する学生3名に対して,最後の事前研修が行われました。  同プロジェクトは,文部科学省の「平成26年度大学の世界展開力強化事業~海外との戦略的高等教育連携支援~ICI-ECPプロジェクト」および日本学生支援機構(JASSO)の「平成26年度海外留学支援制度(短期派遣・ICI-ECP型)」に採択された金沢大学を日本側の代表校とする日欧間の新しい学生交流プロジェクト。将来,国境を越えて活躍できるような文化資源学分野における人材を育成することを目的として,「サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラ巡礼路と熊野古道」という世界遺産をテーマとした双方向型の1セメスターのプログラムを実施し,3年間のプロジェクト期間中に計40名の学生交流と計28名の教職員の交流を行うこととしています。

On February 9th, at the General Education Hall, the last intensive language lecture was conducted for the students who will study abroad in Spain and Portugal through the project called “VIA LÁCTEA Project(Lead Organization in Japan: Kanazawa University).”
The project has been adopted by MEXT as “FY2014 Re-inventing Japan Project(ICI-ECP)” and JASSO as “FY2014 Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Short-Term Study Abroad/ICI-ECP).” VIA LÁCTEA Project offers a Japan-EU mobility semester program which aims primarily to foster the transnational employability of participants in the expanding cultural services and heritage management sector. The program’s transnational theme is the twinning of two UNESCO World Heritage pilgrim routes: the route of Santiago de Compostela in the northwestern part of the Iberian Peninsula and Kumano Kodo in Japan. VIA LÁCTEA Project offers a mobility semester program to 40 students and short stays for 28 staffs from four partner institutions during its three-year program running from October 2014 to September 2017.
The intensive language course has been conducted weekly since January. Through the course, students learned not only Spanish for daily conversation, but also self-introduction and university introduction in Spanish. In the final lecture, students checked their itinerary and what to bring for the departure. The 3 outbound students said, “We will do our best in order to make the program to be successful for our junior students.”
The first year inbound program in Japan is schedule to run from April 2015 to August 2015.

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