





On June 17 (Wed.), Kanazawa University welcomed 46 American students on the Princeton in Ishikawa (PII) Program.  They were students representing twelve top American universities including Princeton University, Harvard University and Yale University.  They met 58 Kanazawa University students and deepened exchanges.

The students gathered at Sumire-tei restaurant on campus, and after President Koetsu Yamazaki’s welcome address, had a friendly conversation with one another over a light meal.  Then they moved to Kakuma-no-sato and spent time together enjoying quizzes on Kanazawa University as well as a group discussion on student life and study in the United States.

 On June 22 (Mon.)-July 3 (Fri.), a total of 27 PII students will attend classes at Kanazawa University.  It is expected that there will be a further meaningful exchange among students.

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