6月28日,29日,国際機構留学生センターと国際文化資源学研究センターは,「VIA LÁCTEA(天の川)プロジェクト」※ミーニョ大学(ポルトガル)特別講義を開催し,学生・教職員ら約35名が参加しました。
※将来,国境を越えて活躍できるような文化資源学分野における人材を育成することを目的とした日欧間の新しい学生交流プロジェクト。「サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラ巡礼路と熊野古道」という世界遺産をテーマとした双方向型の1学期間のプログラムを実施し,プロジェクト期間(平成26年 から平成29年)中に計40名の学生交流と計28名の教職員の交流を行うこととしています。
On June 28 and 29, Dr. José de Sousa Teixeira, Professor of Centre for Humanistic Studies of University of Minho visited Kanazawa University as a part of “VIA LÁCTEA Project”* and gave special lectures hosted by International Student Center and Center for Cultural Resource Studies.
During the two days’ special lectures, approximately 35 audiences gained a deeper understanding of the importance of learning Portuguese Language, and “Fado” music and its cultural background.
Prior to the lecture, Dr. Teixeira paid a courtesy visit to Vice President Yamamoto. At the meeting, there was a discussion on the on-going cooperation between University of Minho and our university such as“VIA LÁCTEA Project.”
* “VIA LÁCTEA Project” offers a Japan-EU mobility semester program which aims primarily to foster the transnational employability of participants in the expanding cultural services and heritage management sector. The program’s transnational theme is the twinning of two UNESCO World Heritage pilgrim routes: the route of Santiago de Compostela in the northwestern part of the Iberian Peninsula and Kumano Kodo in Japan. “VIA LÁCTEA Project” offers a mobility semester program to 40 students and short stays for 28 staffs from four partner institutions during its three-year program running from October 2014 to September 2017.