蘇州大学副学長一行が,学長を表敬 Vice President of Soochow University visited to President of Kanazawa University


1月23日,蘇州大学の張 学光副学長が,翌日(24日)開催される「金沢大学がん生物学国際シンポジウム2008」で講演するために陸 惠星国際合作交流処副処長とともに来学し,本学の学長を表敬訪問されました。


On January 23(Wed.), Dr. Zhang Xue-Guang, Vice President of Soochow University, and Mr. Lu Hui Xing, Deputy Director of the Division of International Cooperation and Exchange at Soochow University made a courtesy visit to President of Kanazawa University. They visited Kanazawa in order to deliver a speech in the International Symposium on Tumor Biology in Kanazawa 2008 organized by Kanazawa University on the following day.

President Hayashi mentioned that he visited Soochow University when he went to China to conclude the Agreement for friendship and cooperation among eight universities in Chiangsu in China and Ishikawa in Japan respectively. Also, various information on current Soochow University was conveyed, such as the student number, the research field that its university has been focusing on etc.

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