駐日フィンランド大使が中村学長を訪問 The Ambassador of Finland to Japan Visits President Nakamura




On Tuesday, February 25, H.E. Manu Virtamo, Ambassador of Finland to Japan, Mrs. Virtamo and 4 delegates from Ishikawa Prefecture Finland Friendship Association paid a courtesy visit to President Nakamura. At the meeting, there was a discussion on the possibility of exchanges between Kanazawa University and the universities in Finland. The visit was a meaningful occasion for both parties.

During the visit, Ambassador Virtamo also met with a Finnish international student at Kanazawa University, and comments were shared in regard to the exchange experience.

In terms of exchanges with Finland, our university has concluded partnership agreements with Aalto University and University of Jyvaskyla, and we exchange up to 4 students per year.

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