3月5日,林 肇駐ベルギー日本国特命全権大使および金沢市職員2名が来学し,山崎光悦学長を表敬訪問しました。懇談では,ベルギーの社会・経済・教育などの現状や,同国と本学との交流促進について意見が交わされました。
On March 5, H.E. Mr. Hajime Hayashi and 2 staff of Kanazawa City visited Kanazawa University and paid a courtesy visit to President Koetsu Yamazaki. At the meeting, there were discussions about the present-day situation of Belgian society, economy, education, etc. and exchanges between Belgium and our university.
After the meeting, the Ambassador met with the Belgian international students studying at KU, and all participants enjoyed the conversation about experiences in study abroad and cultural differences.