JICA北陸・金沢大学課題別研修「中東における基礎教育拡充の ための教育行財政と学校運営の改善」コース開講
The Opening of JICA Hokuriku-Kanazawa University Issue-Specific Training Course, “Educational Administration, Financial System and School Management for Expansion of Basic Education in Middle East”



8月24日,エジプトにおける教育行政機関の行政官ら4名が 角間キャンパスで行われた開講式に参加し, 続いて大谷吉生副学長(国際担当)を表敬訪問しました。



In the schedule of August 24 to September 11,JICA Hokuriku-Kanazawa University Issue-Specific Training Course, “Educational Administration, Financial System and School Management for Expansion of Basic Education in Middle East” has started.

On August 24, 4 officers of educational departments from Egypt participated in the Opening Ceremony held at the Kakuma Campus, followed by a courtesy visit to Vice President Otani (International Affairs).

During this training course, and with Kanazawa University as the base,they plan to make interaction through observation of elementary and middle schools and other facilities with cooperation from the Educational Committee of Ishikawa, Kanazawa City, Hakusan City, etc. The participants are expected to make use of their experiences in Japan under this course, and take part in the improvement of school management in their own countries.

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