JICA北陸・金沢大学地域別研修「中米地域資源としてのマヤ文明遺跡の保存と活用」を開講 JICA-Hokuriku and Kanazawa University’s “Conservation and Utilization of Maya Archaeological Sites as Regional Resources” Course Begins



On October 3, the Opening Ceremony of Kanazawa University’s “Conservation and Utilization of Maya Archaeological Sites as Regional Resources” Course took place at the College of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University.
At the Opening Ceremony, following the welcome speeches by our Vice President Koetsu Yamazaki(in charge of Research and International Affairs), Director Yoshio Horiuchi of JICA-Hokuriku and the Program Leader, Professor Seiichi Nakamura of Center for Cultural Resource Studies, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, the representative of the Course members also gave their greetings, and the ceremony closed in an amiable mood.
Also, on October 7, the participants in the course paid a courtesy visit to President Nakamura. After the welcome speech by President Nakamura, the participants introduced themselves. Researchers participating in this time’s course had friendly conversations and actively asked questions.
Regarding the Course, eight individuals belonging to administrations and archeologist in charge of the world cultural heritage of three Central American nations (Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador) will participate from October 3 to October 25. With Kanazawa University as the base, the participants plan to learn how to conserve and utilize the cultural properties in Japan and other Asian countries, and visit the research institutions for cultural properties and other institutions concerning sites in Tokyo, Kyoto and Nara for observation and interaction. Also, from October 26 to November 6, the course participants plan to go to Guatemala and take the complementary course at Center for Cultural Resource Studies. There is much anticipation for the participants to positively make use of their experience in Japan, and to involve themselves in conservation and utilization of the cultural properties in their home countries.

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