参加者による趣向をこらした催し物では,見応えのあるインドネシアのバリダンス, 日本とアメリカの歌のギター弾き語り,イギリス人留学生による優雅なバイオリン演奏,杜の里の国際交流会館のレジデントアドバイザーと留学生による華やか な日本舞踊が披露されました。会場は華やかなパフォーマンスとともに,大いに盛り上がりをみせました。
On December 11th, Kanazawa University International Students’ Gathering was held in KKR Hotel Kanazawa. The regional international relations officials, university faculty, and international students attended the gathering. Total number of participants was around 360 people.
This gathering is held every December to show appreciation to the supporters of international students. It also aims to promote further international exchange. Despite the snow, many regional international relations officials and international students attended, and deepened mutual exchanges through the gathering.
In this gathering, four elaborate performances were provided by international students: impressive Indonesian Balinese dance, excited guitar performance of Japanese and American song, elegant violin performance by student from England and gorgeous Japanese folk dance, which was performed by some of the oversea students and RA who live in the International House in Morinosato. The gathering was totally warmed up by these performers and all participants spent a pleasant time.