12月12日,モンゴル国モンゴル科学アカデミーからドルジドコフ地理研究所長並びにトムルトグー地質鉱物資源研究 所長,モンゴル国立大学からバッチンゲル学部長他2名,国立台湾大学から林副総務長が来学し,中村学長を表敬訪問しました。会談では,山崎理事(研究・国 際担当)・副学長ほか4名の本学教職員が同席し,今後の具体的な学生・研究者交流に関する意見交換を行いました。記念品の交換などもあり,会は終始和やか な雰囲気で運ばれ,今後の交流に向け充実した協議となりました。
On Wednesday, December 12, Director Dorjgotov of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS)-Institute of Geography, Director Tumurtogoo of the MAS-Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Dean Battsengel and two other delegates from the School of Earth Sciences, National University of Mongolia, and Associate Dean of General Affairs Lin from the National Taiwan University paid a courtesy visit to President Nakamura. Five other faculty and staff members of our university were present at the meeting, and there was a discussion on student and research exchanges in the future. The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere, and there were free discussion and exchange of souvenir gifts. The meeting was a meaningful opportunity for the realization of future exchanges.