南太平洋大学の学生と交流 21 students from the University of the South Pacific Visit Kanazawa University


7月1日,外務省が実施する「JENESYS2.0及び北米地域との青少年交流」事業の一環で,南太平洋大学から学生21名が来学しました。 はじめに一行は,山崎光悦理事(研究・国際担当)から大学の概要について説明を受け,その後,講義を見学したり,本学学生とともに一緒に折り紙体験を行うなど,日本文化や学生生活への理解を深めました。また,南太平洋大学生による伝統の踊りと歌が披露され,互いの文化を肌で感じる有意義な機会となりました。

On Monday, July 1, 21 students from the University of the South Pacific visited Kanazawa University as a part of JENESYS 2.0 Programme sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Vice President (Research and International Affairs) Koetsu Yamazaki had a welcoming speech and a presentation about the outline of Kanazawa University. After that, they developed an understanding of Japanese culture and student’s life in Japan through several activities such as class observation and an Origami lesson with 21 KU students. In addition, the traditional dance and song were performed by the USP students, which made this opportunity meaningful for students from both universities.

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