ホンジュラス国立人類学歴史学研究所長が中村学長を訪問 Director of the Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History Visits President Nakamura



On Tuesday, June 11, Director Virgilio Paredes Trapero of the Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History paid a courtesy visit to President Nakamura. At the meeting, there was a discussion about the research collaborations led by Professor Seiichi Nakamura of the Center for Cultural Resource Studies, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies, sending Kanazawa University students to field work at the Maya Site of Copan, and other possibilities of further exchanges between Honduras and Kanazawa University. It was a meaningful occasion for both parties.
During this visitation, the Director also attended a gathering and presentation at the Center for Cultural Resource Studies.

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