・ 10月11日(金)14時までに「第2報」をお知らせします。
・ この段階で結論が出ない場合は「第3報」を発信する日時をお知らせします。
※ 授業担当教員から別途指示があった場合は,その指示に従ってください。
※ 教育実習や介護等体験等の学外実習については,各実習先からの指示に従ってください。
Regarding all classes and TOEIC-IP examinations scheduled for Saturday, October 12, we inform as follows considering the future typhoon courses and public transportation conditions.
We will announce "Second Report" by 14 o'clock on Friday, October 11.
If no conclusion is reached at this stage, we will inform you of the date and time of the "Third Report".
From “Second Report” onwards, information will be sent out by “Acanthus Portal Message”. If you cannot receive the message successfully, log in to the Acanthus Portal and check “Notification”.
* If there is a different instruction from the supervisor in charge of the class, please follow that instruction.
* For off-campus training, follow the instructions from each training site.