人間社会学域が翰林大学校人文大学と部局間交流協定を締結 Professors of Hallym University visited to meet with the President of Kanazawa University


10月28日,韓国・翰林大学校の人文大学長 表 教烈教授及び日本学科長 南 基鶴教授が来学し,翰林大学校人文大学と本学人間社会学域との間で部局間交流協定を締結しました。


On Wednesday, October 28th, Prof. Kyo Yeol Pyo, the Dean of the College of Humanities and Prof. Ki Hak Nam, the Head of the Department of Japanese Studies at Hallym University in Korea visited Kanazazwa University to reach an agreement between the College of Humanities at Hallym University and the College of Human and Social Sciences at Kanazawa University.

President Nakamura, Vice President in charge of Research and International Affairs Nagano, and Dean of the College of Human and Social Sciences Katagiri, along with other members of the administration and faculty, welcomed them and exchanged information on their respective universities actively, such as history, environment, the number of students, for the further development of the academic relationship between the two universities.

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