国際大学交流セミナー参加者が理事を訪問 Participants of the International Seminar on Cultural Resources in Asia Visit Vice President Nagano



On November 1, participants of the International Seminar on Cultural Resources in Asia hosted by our university paid a courtesy visit to Vice President Nagano. In this visit, 3 instructors and 6 graduate students from our partners institutions, Peking University (China), Chiang Mai University (Thailand), Vietnam National University-Hanoi (Vietnam), and Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia) were present. From Kanazawa University, Vice President Nagano and Professor Nakamura and Professor Kagami of the Institute of Human and Social Sciences were in attendance. After a word of welcome from Vice President Nagano, a friendly conversation took place.
During the seminar, the participants will be studying some specific cases on the maintenance, succession, and use of Japanese culturalheritages in Kanazawa, and also exchange ideas with Japanese students and researchers, government workers, and local residents. The seminar will be held from November 2nd to 6th, and an open symposium is planned on 7th.

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