3 月13 日~17 日の5 日間にわたり,タイ出身の学生・社会人を対象とした,「日本留学・就職フェア」をオンラインで開催しました。日本から19 大学4 企業の計23 機関が参加し,タイから大学生・大学院生を中心に延べ500 名の参加がありました。
参加者は,特設ウェブサイトから希望のセッションに事前登録し,13 日~14 日には,337 人が各機関の紹介などを視聴,13 日~17 日には197 人の留学希望者が各大学の担当者と,32 人の就職希望者が各企業と個別相談を行いました。
Kanazawa University hosted the "Study and Job in Japan Online Fair (Thailand)" for students and adults from Thailand for five days from March 13th to 17th. A total of 23 institutions from 19 universities and 4 companies from Japan participated, and about 500 people from Thailand, mainly university and graduate students, participated.
This fair was held online as part of the "Study in Japan Global Network Project (ASEAN)", which was re-commissioned by Okayama University.
Participants pre-registered for the desired sessions from the special website. 337 people watched the introduction of each institution from the 13th to the 14th, and also 197 people who want to study in Japan and 32 applicants who want to get employment in Japan were able to have individual consultation with the person in charge of each university and company from the 13th to the 17th.
We will continue to provide information based in our Bangkok office for those who wish to study in Japan due to the corona-virus pandemic.