JENESYS若手招へい研究者が中村学長を表敬訪問 Researchers in JENESYS Program Visit President Nakamura



On September 20, delegates of researchers in JENESYS Invitation Program for East Asian Young Researchers paid a courtesy visit to President Shinichi Nakamura. In this visit, 11 researchers from our partners institutions in Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia participated. From Kanazawa University, Vice President Isamu Nagano (Research and International Affairs) , Professor Masami Furuuchi (our university’s coordinator for JSPS Invitation Program for East Asian Young Researchers), and 9 academic advisors from the Institute of Science and Engineering and the Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences were present. After a word of welcome from President Nakamura, a friendly conversation took place.
This time’s JSPS Invitation Program for East Asian Young Researchers aims to bring about the regional cooperation of countries centering on Asia through the exchange of the next generation of young researchers. The delegates will participate in activities, lectures, symposium and other events at our university’s research labs for approximately one month.

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