中村学長が釜山国立大学校総長を表敬訪問 A Courtesy Visit to Pusan National University


8月18日,中村信一学長,人間社会研究域 柴田正良教授,鶴園裕教授が,大学間交流協定校である大韓民国・釜山市の国立釜山大学校 金仁世総長,鄭允植次期総長(2011年9月1日から就任)を表敬訪問しました。

On August 18, our President Shin-ichi Nakamura and Professors Masayoshi Shibata and Yutaka Tsuruzono from the Institute of Human and Social Sciences paid a courtesy visit to Pusan National University, our partner institution located in Pusan, Republic of Korea. During the visit, they visited President Kim Inn Se and President Elect Chung Younshik (who will assume the office on September 1), and there was a discussion on promoting further interactions in the fields of education and research, as well as an exchange of ideas regarding the “Five Asian University Presidents’ Forum” which will be hosted by our university on November 12.

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