ベトナム・ハイフォン医科大学長が中村学長を訪問 President of Hai Phong Medical University in Vietnam Visits President Nakamura



On July 27, President and other delegates from Hai Phong Medical University in Vietnam paid a courtesy visit to President Nakamura. President Pham and five other delegates came to Japan for a preliminary discussion with our College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences on joint research and cooperation. From our university, Professor Hiroshi Ichimura and Assistant Professor Ishizaki from the College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences were in attendance.
The visit opened with a conversation on achievements of past research and cooperation, followed by a talk about the Vietnamese students at our university and even climate and environment in Vietnam. When President Nakamura spoke of our university’s aim to positively promote interaction with not only Vietnamese but East Asian universities in general, President Pham shared his view that the two universities’ relationship may become a link in interaction with other East Asian universities. The visit was an excellent opportunity to encourage future cooperation.

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