10月14日,ASEAN University Network(AUN)が主催する第5回ASEAN+3学長会議” ASEAN+3 University Education and Graduate Employability: Sharpening the Edge”が開催され,初の日本開催にあたり,本学が国立六大学連携コンソーシアムを代表し幹事校を務めました。本会議は,ASEAN+3 ネットワークに加盟する13カ国51大学の学長が一堂に会する国際会議であり,本来は,2020年に金沢での開催が予定されていましたが,コロナ禍の折延長され,本年完全オンラインでの開催となったものです。
当日は山崎光悦学長が登壇し,“Taking on the Challenge of Nurturing the Next Global Leaders(次代を担うグローバルリーダーの育成)”をタイトルに基調講演を行いました。
また,本会終了後には東京規約締約国委員会と本会議による合同イベント“The Ideas of‘University’and the Sustainable Development Goals”が行われ,山崎光悦学長は本会議にも出席。また同会議では和田隆志理事(研究・社会共創担当)が“The Role of Universities in the Post-Pandemic Era(ポストパンデミックにおける大学の役割)と題してプレゼンテーション行いました。
The 5th ASEAN+3 Rectors’ Conference
On October 14, the 5th ASEAN+3 Rectors' Meeting "ASEAN+3 University Education and Graduate Employability: Sharpening the Edge" was held online. This conference is an international gathering of the presidents of 51 universities from 13 countries that are members of the ASEAN+3 network. This time, Kanazawa University had the honor of co-hosting this event, which was held in Japan for the first time, representing the Consortium of Six National Universities (Sixers).
The conference was originally scheduled to be held in Kanazawa in October 2020. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was postponed and held completely online.
Soon after the opening of the conference, a video introducing Kanazawa University was played. President Koetsu Yamazaki took the stage and delivered his keynote speech entitled "Taking on the Challenge of Nurturing the Next Global Leaders.”
During the event, the KU Introduction Video and a video introducing the land, traditions, and culture of Ishikawa and Kanazawa were shown. They offered the Participants from ASEAN+3 countries, who missed the opportunity of visiting Kanazawa and Ishikawa, a brief virtual excursion.
After the plenary conference, a joint event with the Tokyo Convention Committee, "The Ideas of 'University' and the Sustainable Development Goals " took place, and President Koetsu Yamazaki also attended the conference. At the same conference, Dr. Takashi Wada, Vice-president for Research and Social Co-creation, presented on "The Role of Universities in the Post-Pandemic Era."