KU unique scholarship system is the admission and tuition fee exemption or Grant-type scholarship program aimed at improving students’ motivation to study and research, as well as motivating them to contribute to international exchange and society in student life.
博士人材輩出枠 / The quota for producing doctoral researchers
This support aims to promote the advancement of outstanding students to doctoral programs, to develop doctoral researchers who will play a role in strengthening the research capabilities of universities and play a role in creating the society of the future, and to produce doctoral researchers who can play an active role in diverse fields of industry, academia and government.
奨学制度名称 Name of Scholarship |
課程※ Courses |
入学料 免除 admission fee waivers |
授業料 免除 tuition fee waivers |
奨励金 / 月 Grants / Month |
日本学術振興会 The Japan Society for |
D | 〇 | 〇 |
200,000円 評価により、採用最終年次に 研究奨励金特別手当付与 の可能性あり |
https://www.jsps.go.jp/ j-pd/pd_gaiyo.html |
ナノ精密医学・理工学 WISE Program for Nano-Precision Medicine, Science, and Technology |
MD | 〇 | 〇 |
M:50,000円(原則) そのほかRA給与あり |
【日本語】 https://nano-wise.w3. kanazawa-u.ac.jp/ 【英語 / English】 https://nano-wise.w3. kanazawa-u.ac.jp/en |
「知」の共創と往還で実現する SPRING Project for Doctoral Talents in Creating Novel Values |
D | ― |
△ 半額 |
180,000円 | 【日本語】 https://phd.w3.kanazawa-u. ac.jp/ 【英語 / English】 https://phd.w3.kanazawa-u. ac.jp/en/ |
金沢大学AI Open Science基盤の知識循環が可能にする先駆的AIクロスオーバー博士人材育成プロジェクト
BOOST Project for Trailblazing AI Crossover Doctoral Talents |
D | ― |
△ 半額 |
250,000円 | |
博士研究人材支援・ Preliminary Selection of Kanazawa University Strategic Project for Development of Doctoral Students and Research Promotion |
M | 〇 | 〇 | ― | |
入学料・授業料免除 Admission and tuition fee waivers |
MD |
〇, |
〇, △(半額/ half waiver) 家計基準又は 被災状況に 基づく Based on household standards or disaster situation |
― | 【入学料免除 / Admission fee waivers】 https://www.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/ campuslife/economic/exemption_grace 【授業料免除 / Tuition fee waivers】 https://www.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/ campuslife/economic/tuition_waiver |
※M:Master’s Course・Master’s Level Section of Integrated Course, D:Doctoral Course・Doctoral Level Section of Integrated Course
本学独自教育組織枠 / The quota for the original educational organization of our university
This support is aimed at professional graduate schools and bachelor’s programs with unique features.
奨学制度名称 Name of Scholarship |
課程等※ Courses |
検定料 返付 Refund of examination fee |
入学料 免除 Admission fee waivers |
授業料 免除 Tuition fee waivers |
給付型奨学金 / 月 Grant-type scholarship |
融合学域入試成績優秀者 College of |
B | ― | 〇 | 〇 | ― | https://www.adm.kanazawa-u. ac.jp/yugo/yugonyusi/ |
文理融合の知と Global Education Program |
B | ― | 〇 | 〇 |
― そのほか |
https://www.adm.kanazawa-u. ac.jp/yugo/yugonyusi/ |
融合学域入試成績優秀者 Study Support System |
B | ― | 〇 | 〇 |
― |
https://www.adm.kanazawa-u. ac.jp/yugo/yugonyusi/ |
保健学類理学・作業療法 School of Health Sciences |
B | 〇 | 〇 | 〇 | ― | 【担当 / Contact】 医薬保健系事務部 保健学支援課保健学務係 Health Sciences Student Affairs Section, Faculty of Health Sciences Support Division, Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Administration Department 【E-mail】 t-igaku2@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp |
法学類及び法学研究科における Legal Aid Program |
P | 〇 | 〇 | 〇 | ― | https://knzwls.w3.kanazawa-u. ac.jp/houmu/admission/program.html |
法学研究科法務専攻学生奨励支援 Graduate School of Law Professional Degree Program Student Incentive Support |
P | ― | ― | ― | 50,000円 | https://knzwls.w3.kanazawa-u. ac.jp/houmu/admission/cost.html |
石川県教育委員会から派遣された Half tuition waivers for |
P | ― | ― | △ (半額) (half waiver) |
― | 【担当 / Contact】 人間社会系事務部 学生課大学院・留学支援担当 Graduate and International Student Affairs Section, Student Affairs Division, Human andSocial Administration Department 【E-mail】 n-daigakuin@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp |
災害救助法適用及び A person who resides in a city or town covered by the Disaster Relief Act and designated as a Disaster of Extreme Severity and is applying for our university |
受験者 examinee |
〇 | ― | ― | ― | https://examination.w3.kanazawa-u. ac.jp/admission/kenteiryo_henkan/ |
入学料・授業料免除 Admission and tuition fee waivers |
BP別 | ― | 家計基準に 基づき 〇, △(半額) Based on household standards, 〇, △ (half waiver) |
家計基準に 基づき 〇, △(半額) Based on household standards, 〇, △ (half waiver) |
― | 【入学料免除 / Admission fee waivers】 https://www.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/ campuslife/economic/exemption_grace 【授業料免除 / Tuition fee waivers】 https://www.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/ campuslife/economic/tuition_waiver |
※B: Bachelor’s Course, P:Professional Degree Course, 別:One-Year Undergraduate Course
他の支援制度との関係 / Relation to other support systems
If you have been granted or lent a scholarship by the Japan Student Services Organization or other private organizations, be sure to check whether you can receive both.
海外留学のための奨学金 / Scholarships for studying abroad
Check the page forStudy abroad grant system (e.g. scholarships).