7月19日,20日に平成29年度前期(第6期)官民協働海外留学支援制度(トビタテ!留学JAPAN日本代表プログラム)※ 学内説明会(計4回)を開催し,2日間で計34名が参加しました。これは,本学の日本人学生に同制度の奨学金について情報提供をすることにより,海外留学への関心を高めるとともに,先輩の体験談やアドバイスを聞く機会を設け,同奨学金への応募促進を目的としたものです。本学では,同制度の第1期~第5期で計30名の合格者を出しています。今回の説明会では,石川県の高等教育機関に在籍する学生を対象とする地域人材コース(石川県)の説明も行いました。参加者たちは真剣な面持ちで耳を傾けていました。
On July 19 and 20, Kanazawa University held briefing sessions on “FY2017 The 6th Japan Public-Private Partnership Student Study Abroad Program: TOBITATE! Young Ambassador Program.” The sessions were organized to raise awareness of study abroad, and to encourage application for the scholarship. The session included the detailed explanation of the scholarship and the previous successful applicants told their experience and gave advises. The information of Regional Development Course (Ishikawa Prefecture) targeted to the students enrolled in Higher Education Institutions of Ishikawa Prefecture is also provided. Thirty-four audiences were eagerly listening to the presentation.
“Japan Public-Private Partnership Student Study Abroad Program: TOBITATE! Young Ambassador Program,” was established by MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in JAPAN) in 2014 with the funds of Japanese companies, and aims to promote study abroad opportunities and develop Japanese students’ abilities to become future leaders sought by industries. The successful applicants receive the support from MEXT such as monthly stipend (¥120,000 or ¥160,000), travel expense for study abroad, travel expense for prior and follow-up workshops, and tuition fee. Kanazawa University has produced 30 successful candidates of this program since 2014(from the 1st to 5th program).