タイ・モンクット王工科大学トンブリ校学長等一行が本学学長を表敬 President of King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi and others made a courtesy call on President of Kanazawa University


10月6日,モンクット王工科大学トンブリ校のSakarindr Bhumiratana学長ほか2名が,本学学長を表敬しました。同大では,今年7月に学長が交代しており,新学長となったSakarindr氏が挨拶のために来学したもの。

On October 6th, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sakarindr Bhumiratana, who has been inaugurated as the new President of King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (hereinafter called KMUTT) as of July 2010, and two other members came and met with the President of Kanazawa University.
Kanazawa University concluded the Agreement with KMUTT (Department-Level) in 1995, and then the two universities concluded the Agreement (University-Level) in April, 2000. In addition, Kanazawa University established an International Office in KMUTT and it is used as the examination room and so on. This February President Nakamura and Executive Director in charge of Special Missions Tanaka from Kanazawa University attended the opening ceremony. There are lively exchanges of researchers and students going on between the two, especially Kanazawa University accepts many students in the science and engineering majors from KMUTT in “Career Development Program for Foreign Students in Japan”.
President Nakamura, Vice President Nagano in charge of Research and International Affairs, Vice President Sakurai in charge of Information, Deputy President Nagao in charge of International Affairs, Dean of Natural Science and Technology Fukumori, Prof. Matsumoto from Institute of Science and Engineering, along with other members attended the meeting. President Nakamura expressed his gratitude for the establishment of the international office, and both universities agreed to boost exchanges of researchers and students.

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