理工学域がタイ・運輸省地方道路局と部局間交流協定を締結 Agreement has been reached between College of Science and Engineering and Department of Rural Road,the Ministry of Transport in the Kingdom of Thailand



On Monday, August 23th, Dr. Thiem Jenngamkul, Chief Engineer of Department of Rural Road,the Ministry of Transport in the Kingdom of Thailand and other staff members visited Kanazawa University and concluded an agreement between the College of Science and Engineering at Kanazawa University and Department of Rural Road,the Ministry of Transport. This leads to start a joint research on Weight Falling Test methods for Measuring Deformability of Soil Ground, which Professor Matsumoto (Faculty of Environmental Design) researches. Before that, President Nakamura, Vice President in charge of Research and International Affairs Nagano, Chair of Faculty of Environmental Design Ishida, Professor Matsumoto, Assistant Professor of Faculty of Environmental Design Kobayashi, along with other members of the administration welcomed the delegation and exchanged information on both organizations for the further development of the academic relationship between the two parties.

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