3月28日,カンボジアからカンボジア工科大学のポ キムソ学長をはじめ国立経営大,健康科学大学,環境省の代表者らが来学しました。これは,令和3年度に採択された科学技術振興機構「地球規模課題対応国際科学技術協力プログラム(SATREPS)」におけるプロジェクト「カンボジアにおける大気汚染リスク管理プラットフォームの構築」に関連して,カンボジア側関係者が連携推進の一環として代表機関である本学を訪問したもので,一行らは和田学長と懇談しました。
The Institute of Technology of Cambodia, the National University of Management, the University of Health Sciences, and the Ministry of Environment of Cambodia visit President Wada
On March 28, Dr. Po Kimtho, Rector of the Institute of Technology of Cambodia, and the representatives of the National University of Management, the University of Health Sciences, and the Ministry of Environment of Cambodia paid a courtesy visit to President Takashi Wada. This visit relates to the project called Establishment of Risk Management Platform for Air Pollution in Cambodia, which was adopted in 2021FY under the Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development(SATREPS)program. The Cambodian delegation visited Kanazawa University, the principal research institution for this project in Japan, to promote collaboration.
Prof. Masami Furuuchi, the principal investigator of this project, and other researchers also participated in the meeting. While having a lively discussion about the future development of this project, the parties agreed to search for innovative measures for the strengthening of collaboration between Kanazawa University and Cambodian institutions, including medical research.
Also, in the morning of the same day, the Cambodian delegation visited the NOTO Ground-base Research Observatory.
カンボジア工科大学のポ キムソ学長による和田学長表敬訪問