創基150年記念式典を挙行 150-Year Foundation Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony


また,平野博文文部科学大臣,濱田純一東京大学総長,イルシャト・ガフロフ カザン連邦大学長,中西吉明石川県副知事,山野之義金沢市長から祝辞がありました。

In celebration of the 150th year since the establishment of Hikoso Vaccination Center, the origin of Kanazawa University, we hosted the Commemoration Ceremony, Lecture and Party at a local hotel.
At the Ceremony, President Shin-ichi Nakamura gave an address in which he stated, “In future, university will be a place for the succession and creation of knowledge. I am certain that Kanazawa University will shine brightly in such a future.”
Also, Minister Hirofumi Hirano of MEXT, President Jun-ichi Hamada of Tokyo University, Rector Ilshat Gafurov of Kazan Federal University, Vice Governor Yoshiaki Nakanishi of Ishikawa Prefecture, and Mayor Yukiyoshi Yamano of Kanazawa University offered their congratulations.
After the Ceremony, Yoshiro Mori, the former prime minister of Japan, gave the Lecture, and many notable individuals offered their congratulations at the Party.


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