JICA北陸・金沢大学課題別研修「中東における基礎教育拡充のための教育行財政と学校運営の改善」コースを開講 Opening of JICA Hokuriku-Kanazawa University Issue-Specific Training Course, “Educational Administration, Financial System and School Management for Expansion of Basic Education in Middle East”





JICA Hokuriku-Kanazawa University Issue-Specific Training Course, “Educational Administration, Financial System and School Management for Expansion of Basic Education in Middle East,” which is scheduled to run from September 3 to 24, has started.

On September 3, 10 trainees of the course from Morocco and Yemen, who are administrative officials of educational and administrative institutions, paid a courtesy visit to President Koetsu Yamazaki, followed by the opening ceremony held in the Human and Social Science Hall 3.

The course, which will take place at Kanazawa University during the period, includes the visit of elementary schools and junior high schools, etc., with the cooperation of the Board of Education of Ishikawa Prefecture, Kanazawa City and Hakusan City.

It is expected that the participants address the improvement of school management in their home country through this course and actively take advantage of their experience in Japan.

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