4月11日,東ウクライナ国立大学との大学間国際交流協定調印式をオンラインで実施し,本学からは和田隆志学長と林宜仁副学長が出席、東ウクライナ国立大学からはOlga PORKUIAN氏学長,Ruslan HALHASH副学長,Inna SEMENENKO持続可能な開発のためのリソースセンター長が出席しました。同大は,100年の歴史を有するウクライナの大学であり,本学にとってウクライナの高等教育機関との協定は2機関目となります。
調印式のプログラムは両大学の紹介ビデオの上映から始まり,続いて相互に歓迎あいさつがありました。同大のOlga PORKUIAN学長からは,ウクライナ復興に向けた本学との教育研究における連携に対する期待が述べられました。一方で,本学の和田学長からは,危機的な状況の中での学術協力の重要性を述べ,今後の交流促進への意欲も示されました。
Online Signing Ceremony of the Agreement for Cooperation and Exchange between Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University and Kanazawa University
On April 11th, 2024, the online signing ceremony of the Agreement for Cooperation and Exchange was conducted between Kanazawa University and Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University(EUNU). President Takashi WADA and Vice President Yoshihito HAYASHI from the Kanazawa University side, and Rector Olga PORKUIAN, Vice Rector Ruslan HALHASH, and the Head of Resource Centre for Sustainable Development Dr. Inna SEMENENKO from the EUNU side participated in the ceremony. EUNU is a university in Ukraine with 100-years history. It is the second Ukrainian higher education institution among Ukrainian universities with which Kanazawa University signed the Agreement.
The program of the signing ceremony began with the introduction videos of both universities and followed by welcome remarks. Rector PORKUIAN expressed expectations for collaboration in the field of educational and research towards the restoration of Ukraine. On the other hand, President Wada stated the importance of academic cooperation in times of crisis and expressed his desire to promote exchanges in the future.
Afterwards, an exchange agreement between universities was signed. With the conclusion of this agreement, we look forward to more active exchanges in the future.
Welcoming remarks by President WADA -
Signing the Agreement for Cooperation and International Exchange -
From left: Ruslan HALHASH, Olga PORKUIAN, Inna SEMENENKO -
From left: President WADA, Vice President HAYASHI