在グアテマラ日本国特命全権大使が講演 Japanese Ambassador to Guatemala Visits President Yamazaki


6月10日,人間社会研究域附属国際文化資源学研究センターは,川原 英一在グアテマラ日本特命全権大使を講師に迎え,公開講演会を開催し,学内外から約80名が参加しました。川原大使は「日本の国際化-外交の現場からの視点-」と題し講演。参加者らは日本とグアテマラの関係などについて理解を深めました。


On Tuesday, June 10, H.E. Eiichi Kawahara, Japanese Ambassador to Guatemala, and Mrs. Kawahara paid a courtesy visit to President Yamazaki. At the meeting, there was a discussion about the on-going project at Tikal National Park and the possibility of further cooperation and exchanges with Guatemala. The meeting was a meaningful opportunity for both parties.

Also, during the visit, H.E. Kawahara gave a lecture at the Center for Cultural Resource Studies.

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