Vice-President of JICA Paid a Courtesy Visit to President Yamazaki



懇談では,加藤JICA理事から, これまでの金沢大学のJICAの国際活動事業への協力・貢献に対して感謝の言葉がありました。また,国際貢献に向けた今後のさらなる協力の可能性について意見交換が行われ,充実した機会となりました。


On January 25, Mr. Hiroshi Kato, Vice-President of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and three other delegates paid a courtesy visit to President Yamazaki.

At the meeting, Vice-President Kato expressed his appreciation for the cooperation and contribution by KU to JICA’s international projects.  The participants exchanged opinions in a lively discussion about the possibility of further cooperation towards the international contributions in the future.

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