米国・バスティール大学副学長が,学長を表敬 Vice-President of Bastyr University in the United States visited President of Kanazawa University


6月5日(木)に, 米国・バスティール大学のティモシー・キャラハン副学長(博士)が,本学の学長を表敬されました。



On June 5(Tue.), Dr. Timothy C. Callahan, Vice-President of Bastyr University, made a courtesy visit to President of Kanazawa University. Bastyr University is recognized for natural medicine. Dr. Callahan and researchers at the Department of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Clinical, and School of Pharmacy in Kanazawa University intend to promote academic exchange from now on. President Nakamura and Vice-President in charge of Research and International Affairs Nagano etc. greeted him and exchanged information on natural medicine, university system and so on.

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