韓国地質資源研究院長一行が,研究分室開設セレモニーに来学 President of Korean Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources visited Kanazawa University for Overseas Office Opening.


3月10日(月)に,韓国地質資源研究院のLee Tai-Sup院長等が,本学の学長を表敬されました。林学長,長野理事(研究・国際担当)等と両大学の情報を交換したのち,自然科学研究科棟で分室開設セレモニーを行いました。

On March 10(Mon.), Dr. Lee Tai-Sup, President of Korean Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources etc. made a courtesy visit to President of Kanazawa University. After exchanging information on each university with President Hayashi and Vice-President Nagano (in charge of Research and International Affairs), they participated in the opening ceremony of their overseas office located in Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology at Kanazawa University.

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