8月21日,タイのバンコク市内において,国立六大学バンコク事務所開所を記念して「日タイ学生・研究交流会2017 (Japan -Thailand Research Exchange Conference 2017)」を開催しました。
本研究交流会は世界トップレベル大学との研究交流を目的としており,金沢大学,キングモンクット工科大学トンブリ校の大学院生を中心にポスター発表が行われました。両大学の他,チュラロンコン大学,さらには,GSC (グローバルサイエンスキャンパス) の高校生も含む総勢64名が参加し,研究の成果を披露するとともに,活発に議論が行われました。
On August 21, Commemorating the grand opening of AP-SixERS Bangkok Office, Japan -Thailand Research Exchange Conference 2017 was held to promote “Research exchanges” between graduate students of Kanazawa University and those from top-level universities in Thailand.
The students from Kanazawa University and King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi mainly presented their Posters. 64 students including students from Chulalongkorn University and high school students from GSC(Global Science Campus) participated. They presented their fruits of research and had lively discussions.
“Best Poster Award” was awarded to excellent poster presentations, one student each from Japan and Thailand. The prizewinner was given a diploma and supplementary prize from President Koetsu Yamazaki of Kanazawa University and President Sakarindr Bhumiratana of King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi.