Conclusion of the Department-Level Agreement between the School of Public Health, Fudan University and the Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology



本協定締結により,平成18年より両部局間で継続してきた大気や水の汚染等に関する調査・研究をはじめとした環境汚染と健康影響に関する研究協力をさらに促進します。また,調印式の後には何 納(カ ドウ)公共衛生学院長および周 志俊(シュウ シシュン)同学院教授が山崎光悦学長を表敬訪問し,本学との今後の交流促進について積極的に意見が交わされました。


On December 25, the Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology concluded a Department-Level Agreement for Cooperation and Exchange with the School of Public Health, Fudan University (China). Based on this agreement, we will promote research on environmental pollution and health effects, represented in the joint research and survey on atmospheric and water pollution which has continued since 2006.

After the ceremony, Dean He Na and Professor Zhou Zhijun of the School of Public Health, Fudan University, paid a courtesy visit to President Koetsu Yamazaki, and positive discussions took place about future exchanges.

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