JICA-Hokuriku and Kanazawa University’s “Educational Administration, Financial System and School Management for Expansion of Basic Education in Middle East” Course Begins


また,一行は,中村信一学長を訪問。研修員代表のアワッド・モハメッド パレスチナ自治政府教育省南ナーブルス教育局長及び堀内好夫JICA北陸支部長によるあいさつがあり,その後の懇談では,研修員から積極的に質問の出る場面もありました。

On September 5, the Opening Ceremony of JICA-Hokuriku and Kanazawa University’s “Educational Administration, Financial System and School Management for Expansion of Basic Education in Middle East” Course took place at the College of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University, from 2:30 p.m.
At the Opening Ceremony, following the welcome speeches by our Vice President Koetsu Yamazaki(in charge of Research and International Affairs), and the Program Leader, Professor Shunji Tanabe of the School of Teacher Education in the College of Human and Social Sciences, the participants introduced themselves, and the ceremony closed in an amiable mood.
After the welcome speech by President Nakamura, Director Yoshio Horiuchi of JICA-Hokuriku and the representative of the Course members, Director AWAD Mohammed R. S, Directorate of Education South Nablus/Ministry of Education also gave their greetings. Researchers participating in this time’s course had friendly conversations and actively asked questions.
Regarding the Course, eighteen individuals belonging to central and regional educational administrations of five Middle Eastern nations or regions (Morocco, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Palestinian Authority) are participating. From September 5 to October 2, with Kanazawa University as the base and with support from Ishikawa Board of Education, Kanazawa Board of Education, Hakusan Board of Education and others, the participants plan to visit elementary and middle schools in Kanazawa for observation and interaction. There is much anticipation for the participants to positively make use of their experience in Japan and the course, and to involve themselves in the improvement of educational administration, financial system and school management in their home countries.

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