ホンジュラス共和国国立人類学歴史学研究所と交流協定を締結 Kanazawa University Concludes the Agreement on Cooperation with the Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History



On Friday, February 8, President Shin-ichi Nakamura and Director Haruya Kagami and Professor Seiichi Nakamura of the Center for Cultural Resource Studies visited the Republic of Honduras, and they concluded the Agreement on Cooperation with the Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History at the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Sports.
The Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History is the highest authority for research, maintenance, and management of cultural resources in the Republic of Honduras. There is anticipation for the further promotion of exchanges between the two institutions and the development of global research and educational headquarters in the field of Cultural Resource Studies centering on the Maya Site of Copan.

  • コパン・修復建造物の前で
  • コパン・中村教授の功績をたたえ氏名が刻まれた記念碑 (最下部にSEIICHI NAKAMURAとある)
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