ケニア・ナイロビ大学およびケニア中央医学研究所と大学間交流協定を締結 The University of Nairobi and Kenya Medical Research Institute Sign the Agreements for Cooperation and Exchange with Kanazawa University



On Tuesday, October 4, Vice-Chancellor George A.O. Magoha from the University of Nairobi, Director Solomon S. R. Mpoke from Kenya Medical Research Institute, and two other delegates from Kenya came to Japan to sign the Agreements for Cooperation and Exchange with Kanazawa University. From our university, President Shin-ichi Nakamura, Vice President Isamu Nagano, Dean Hiroshi Yamamoto, and Professor Hiroshi Ichimura attended the ceremony, and four Kenyan exchange students at Kanazawa University were also in attendance. There is anticipation for promotion of friendly relationships and much future interactions.

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