ユネスコプログラム「人間と生物圏:可能性と展望」 中央アジアとの共同研修コースとオンラインカンファレンスを実施




特に最終日のオンラインカンファレンスでは,本学の志村恵副学長による開会あいさつに先だって,カザフスタン共和国ユネスコ・ISESCO(イスラム教育科学文化機構)国内委員会バイサバーエワ・アリヤ事務局長,文部科学省より日本ユネスコ国内委員会副事務総長の町田大輔文部科学戦略官,ユネスコMAB(人間と生物圏,Man and Biosphere )プログラム自然科学部門プログラムプレチャロバ・マリー専門員より,MABプログラムの重要性と本研修コースへの激励を込めたメッセージを賜りました。

また続くパネルセッションでは,本学国際機構のアイーダ・ママードゥア准教授が司会を務め,本学が連携する白山ユネスコエコパークでの外国人留学生受入プログラムを紹介するとともに,中央アジアからの講師と横浜国立大学 松田裕之教授,愛媛大学 佐藤哲教授,京都大学 神﨑護教授を迎えて,各大学が連携BRで取り組む,生物的・文化的多様性の保全に関連した活動・プログラムが紹介され,活発な対話と知識の交換が行われました。


Online Joint Conference for the Lecture Course on UNESCO Programme “Man and the Biosphere: Opportunities Prospects” in Collaboration with Central Asian Countries.


An online training course entitled "Man and the Biosphere: Possibilities and Prospects" was jointly organized by Kanazawa University and Kazakhstan National Committee “Man and Biosphere”  from 1st to 15th October, and concluded with the wrap-up Conference on 18th. All courses were constructed in on-demand style, and during the online Conference participant enjoyed online academic exchange with professionals from 4 Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) in the conference.

More than 160 students from 4 Central Asian countries, Japan and Russia participated in this course. The aim of the course was to strengthen the competency of young people interested in the UN’s SDGs, to solve environmental problems and learn about economic models that support the sustainable development process inside UNESCO designated Biosphere Reserves.

During the  online conference on the last day,  Prof. Megumi Shimura, Vice-Rector of Kanazawa University gave a remark as a host after opening remarks from honorary speakers; Ms. Aliya Baisabayeva, Secretary General of the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ISESCO, Mr. Daisuke Machida, Senior Deputy Secretary-General, Japanese National Commission for UNESCO, Deputy Director-General for International Affairs, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Government of Japan and Ms. Marie Prchalova , Programme Specialist Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences «Man and the Biosphere» Programme Natural Sciences Sector, UNESCO. All guests gave the messages on the importance of the MAB Programme and encouragement for this training course.

In the panel session, Associate Professor Aida Mammadova from the Organization of Global Affairs, Kanazawa University reported about the activities on the Education for Sustainable Development  in UNESCO Mount Hakusan Biosphere Reserve. Also, invited speakers from Japanese 5 Universities; Professor Hiroyuki Matsuda of Yokohama National University; Professor Tetsu Sato of Ehime University; Professor Mamoru Kanzaki of Kyoto University and speakers from Central Asian countries introduced their own research/educational activities related to BRs, and a lively dialogue and academic exchange took place.


  • オンラインカンファレンスでの集合写真
  • ヤシェンコ・ローマン委員長によるあいさつ
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