11月15日〜12月3日,金沢大学国際機構は,国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST)の2021年度国際青少年サイエンス交流事業(さくらサイエンスプログラム)の支援のもと,カザフスタンの「ユネスコMAB(Man and Biosphere; 人間と生物圏)計画国内委員会」との協働で「日本‐ユーラシアSDGs研修コース」を実施しました。
ユーラシアの参加機関(※1)の学生29名及び日本MAB計画連携大学間ネットワーク加盟大学(筑波大学、横浜国立大学、京都大学、愛媛大学、宮崎大学、金沢大学)の学生6名が本学国際機構ママードゥア・アイーダ准教授のコーディネートの下,ユネスコエコパーク(BR: Biosphere Reserve;ユネスコが指定した生物圏保存地域)を題材に生物多様性の保全と豊かな人間生活との調和,持続的発展について学びました。
学生たちは3週間の研修で9か国(カザフスタン,ウズベキスタン,キルギス,タジキスタン,エストニア,ラトビア,ノルウェー,ロシア、日本)のオンライン配信による授業とオンデマンド講義を通して各国のユネスコエコパークの理念と取り組みについて学び,環境保全と地域課題解決をどのように同時達成するのかについて考えました。(※2 参照)
On November 15 – December 3, the Organization of Global Affairs, Kanazawa University held “Japan-Eurasian Training Course towards SDGs”, which was cohosted by Kazakhstan National MAB Committee, and funded by the SAKURA Science Program of JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency).
29 students from Eurasian universities(refer to ※1)and 6 students from Japan Inter University Network for MAB Programme (JU-MAB) member universities (Kyoto Univ., Ehime Univ., Univ. of Tsukuba, Yokohama National Univ., Miyazaki Univ., and Kanazawa Univ.) participated in the course, and learned about biodiversity, nature conservation and sustainable development from the UNESCO designated Biosphere Reserves under coordination of Associate Professor Mammadova Aida.
It was a three-week training course. On the first week of the course, students took real-time lectures provided from nine countries: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyz, Tajikistan, Estonia, Latvia, Norway, Russia, and Japan. During the second and third week, they took on-demand lectures and learned about the harmony and symbiosis between nature and regional development from four cases of Japanese UNESCO Biosphere Reserves (Mount Hakusan BR, Minakami BR, Aya BR and Mount Odaigahara, Mount Omine and Osugidani BR). (refer to ※2)
At the end of the course, we held the online exchange conference and provided the platform to connect all lecturers and students together. They had lively discussions about various SDGs goals. This was unique opportunity to communicate directly and ask all concerned questions. We have received very positive feedback from professors and students, about the direct communication, and that the entire course was very helpful for the students to understand the relationship between Human and Nature and contribute for SDGs. We also, received many calls from the partner universities to continue such kind of online course in future as well.
12 organizations from 7 countries
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Caspian University, Institute of Zoology of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn, National University of Uzbekistan, Institute of Zoology of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tajik National University, Institute of Zoology and Parasitology of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, University of Latvia, Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences, Altai State University, Irkutsk State University
※2:講師リスト List of lecturers
Ilina Viktoriya (Kazakhstan National MAB Committee)
Roman Jashenko (Institute of Zoology CS MES Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan National MAB Committee)
Oleg Kashkarov (Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds)
Ilya Domashov (Adam University)
Toomas Kokovkin (UNESCO MAB Focal Point for Estonia)
Liga Ozolina-Molla (Latvia State University)
Anda Mezgaile (Vidzeme University of Applied Science)
Abdusattor Saidov (Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan)
Tatiana Akimova (Altaisky Biosphere Reserve)
Kjerssti Isdal (Nordhordland Biosphere Reserve)
Mamoru Kanzaki (Kyoto University)
Tetsu Sato (Ehime University)
Hiroyuki Matsuda (Yokohama National University)
Yoshihiko Iida (University of Tsukuba)
Aya Nishiwaki (Miyazaki University)
Aida Mammadova(Kanazawa University)