 An International Symposium with Prince of Songkla University Takes Place


12月17日,環日本海域環境研究センターは大学間国際交流協定校であるタイのプリンスオブソンクラ大学(PSU)と「Recent Advances in Marine Science, Aquaculture and Food Technology」と題し,海洋科学,水産養殖,食品技術の分野で国際ジョイントシンポジウムを開催しました。PSUからはスータワット・ベンジャクル教授,チュチマ・タンティキッティ准教授,サムロンク・アムーンサンクン准教授が来学し,講演を行いました。




On December 17, the Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology hosted an international joint symposium with Prince of Songkla University (PSU), our university-level partner in Thailand, under the theme of “Recent Advances in Marine Science, Aquaculture and Food Technology.” From PSU, Prof. Soottawat Benjakul, Assoc. Prof. Chutima Tantikitti, and Assoc. Prof. Thumronk Amornsakun presented their researches.

Also, on the 17, the delegates paid a courtesy visit to President Koetsu Yamazaki, and a lively discussion took place about the three new KU liaison offices which opened in 3 PSU campuses this November and further upcoming exchanges by double degree programs. And on the 18, they observed the KU marine facilities in Noto. In marine facility, we discussed further collaboration between KU and PSU.


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